Friday, August 31, 2012

Do it, now!

Hello world. 

Dengue actually has a cycle where the number of cases peaks every 5 to 7 years. Dengue is especially prevalent in humid, tropical regions like Singapore and Indonesia. Thus, all of you living in the hot tropics should be extra cautious!

As all of you should already know, Aedes mosquitos, which causes Dengue, breeds in stagnant water like all other mosquitos. However, to distinguish an Aedes mosquito, you could take note of the black and white strips on its body and legs. It also also has a comparatively small body and usually only feeds in the dawn and dusk. 

A week--that's how long it takes for an Aedes mosquito egg to transform into a full-fledged adult. Hence, it is imperative that you clear any stagnant water as soon as possible and not procrastinate! A female Aedes mosquito can also lay about 100 eggs each time, so it is extremely important to kill the progenitor to prevent the rapid surge in the number of Aedes mosquitos and increase your chances of infection.

So I wish all of you the best of luck and go clear any stagnant water at home! Now.

Hui Yuan

Have you downloaded X-Dengue?

Little snippets.

Hello everyone!

So I'm just here to share with you all some recent observations about the NEA campaigns as well as a rather harrowing personal encounter with dengue.

The adverts up and about have been quite different now, and I think it's an encouraging change. Instead of merely scaring us poor viewers with horrifying graphics of loved ones writhing on hospital beds coupled along with spooky gothic music, what I saw instead was pretty different. The campaigns had moved on to emphasizing to viewers the importance of community spirit and playing our part, and (thankfully) there were not much torturous graphics that we had to endure. The general tone and atmosphere created by the rather lengthy advert was quite a warm and heartening one, and I did feel more compelled to go clear away stagnant water myself. That's saying something, seeing how I am usually rather lazy. The cheerful, positive and optimistic outlook the advert presented did a much better job in encouraging me to do a part for my community. This is a very good change and I think it's a good direction for the NEA to take!

Alright now on about my scary brush with dengue and possibly a lengthy hospital stay. Here's the deal: my dad killed an Aedes mosquito yesterday night. Holding the squished body of the mosquito up to the light it was evident, from the striped legs, that it was it -- the worst kind of bug to have in your house. The entire family freaked out for quite a while. I mean, it is pretty scary to have a potential dengue carrier lurking about in the corners of what is meant to be a safe haven. Flicking the squished bug out of the window, I did feel a little nervous. What if one of us had been stung, and infected? The repercussions for the family would have been terrible. Sometimes the scariest things are the ones we can prevent, yet the ones we can't see.

And with these two little snippets and observations, I urge everyone to please be more considerate, not only for yourself and your loved ones, but for your neighbours as well. That little bit of stagnant water could lead to weeks of suffering and pain in hospital for another person.

Remember, a little step goes a long way! Let's fight dengue together!

Qi En
on behalf of the team.


Advertisement, Singapore, 2011-2012.

Dengue fever is an illness that threatens your family. Do your part to help the community by following the 10 Minute Mozzie Wipeout today!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Hello all! :D

This is website for our IH EE (Pay It Forward), and we hope that from this website, we can convey the message of Dengue Prevention and how to prevent Aedes mosquitoes from breeding in your environment.

Please navigate using the links at the top of the page to other websites related to Dengue Prevention. Also, please take some time to do a short Feedback form, thank you! (:

Look out for a video soon! 

-Ting Ting, Hui Yuan, Fiona, Qi En